
Migration Governance and Afghan Resettlement: Highlights from IOM Western Balkans Coordinator’s Visit to Albania

Albania, 18-19 June 2024 – Laura Lungarotti, the IOM Western Balkans Coordinator, recently visited Albania to engage with key stakeholders on enhancing migration governance and diaspora engagement.

“Migration governance is at the center of the EU path for Albania, which is the origin, transit, and destination of migrants,” Ms. Lungarotti highlighted in a tweet.


Accompanied by Ms. Alma Jani, Head of Office for IOM Albania, Ms. Lungarotti had fruitful discussions with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Igli Hasani, as well as other significant figures from the Albanian government, EU, and UN partners. These discussions centered on Albania's key role in migration within the region and the strategies to enhance governance and support for migrants.

During her visit, Ms. Lungarotti also toured IOM offices in Shengjin, where she focused on the resettlement efforts for Afghan nationals who fled their country following the turbulent transfer of power in August 2021. She met with the local IOM team and partner CSOs dedicated to the welfare of migrants and the resettlement of Afghan evacuees.

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IOM has played a crucial role in supporting the resettlement of over 5,700 Afghan nationals. This support, in collaboration with embassies, host countries' immigration authorities, and airport and carrier authorities, includes facilitating immigration interviews, conducting fitness-to-travel checks, providing cultural and pre-departure orientations, and overseeing movement operations.

IOM’s operational personnel keep Afghan families informed of their dates of medical checkups and provide pre-departure counseling, particularly on the flight arrangements and requirements, with due focus on medical and gender-based vulnerabilities.  

Ms. Lungarotti’s visit underscores the ongoing commitment of IOM to enhance migration governance and support the well-being of migrants in Albania.


SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals