
IOM trains Albanian law enforcement agencies on cultural competency and awareness in working with foreign nationals

IOM trains Albanian law enforcement agencies on cultural competency and awareness in working with foreign nationals

21 May 2019, Tirana, Albania: IOM organized a national training for Albania’s  law enforcement agencies on the application of the victim-centered approach in migration-related crimes investigations. This training contributed to increasing capacities to apply a victim-centered and gender-sensitive approach in cases of Smuggling of Migrants (SOM) and Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in the context of mixed migration in Albania for key law enforcement agencies. Cultural competency and awareness in working with foreign nationals within migration-related crimes investigations and cases was the novelty introduced in this training that was welcomed by participants. The event is supported by the US State Department in framework of the “Enhancing Capacities and Mechanisms to Identify and Protect Vulnerable Migrants in the Western Balkans” program.