
Steering Board meeting of the regional program “Enhancing Capacities and Mechanisms to Identify and Protect Vulnerable Migrants in the Western Balkans”

Steering Board meeting of the regional program “Enhancing Capacities and Mechanisms to Identify and Protect Vulnerable Migrants in the Western Balkans”

16 May 2019: IOM organized the last Steering Board meeting of the regional program “Enhancing Capacities and Mechanisms to Identify and Protect Vulnerable Migrants in the Western Balkans”. The program is supported by the U.S. State Department, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. The meeting gathered key representatives working on migration management and protection of vulnerable migrants from six countries of the Western Balkans. These meetings provide a platform for the countries of the region to regularly share information on the migrant situation, to exchange good practices and seek common solutions to similar problems. “We need to work together to establish a common approach to solve these issues” said one of the participants. “The regional approach in this sector is key in the Western Balkans” confirmed another. From 2016 to date, IOM supported nine regional meetings, involving representatives from Ministries of Security/Interior, Ministries of Labour and Social Work, Border Police Agencies and other institutions in charge of migration management.