
Protection and PSEAH: Empowering local actors engaged in the voluntary integration of Afghan nationals in Albania

Tirana, 19-20 November 2024 – IOM Albania successfully conducted a two-day training on Protection and the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH), under the project “Support for the Voluntary Integration of Afghan Nationals in Albania.”

The training brought together over 50 child protection and social services professionals from the municipalities of Lezha and Tirana, representatives from partner NGOs Nisma Arsis and Plan&Go, and IOM staff. Participants explored IOM's approach to protection, including mainstreaming protection principles, combating trafficking and smuggling, and providing mental health and psychosocial support. Additionally, the training focused on preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment by equipping participants with tools to understand power dynamics, overcome barriers, and ensure effective reporting mechanisms.


A Holistic Integration Effort

This activity is part of a broader initiative to address the critical need for a comprehensive integration program for Afghan nationals in Albania. It focuses on legal residency, family reunification, and access to fundamental services. The project also offers tailored support, including:

  • Employment assistance to aid economic integration
  • Psychosocial counseling to address mental health needs
  • Case management to ensure holistic and effective service delivery

By strengthening the capacities of local government and civil society organizations, IOM aims to facilitate the successful integration of Afghan nationals and contribute to sustainable and inclusive community development in Albania.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions